Barometer Dashboard
A first of its kind online industry benchmarking tool with interactive data visualizations to enhance analytical capabilities of lending institutions.
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Interactive dashboard for timely data-driven decision making.
Enhanced analytical capabilities (by juxtaposing various MFPs KPIs with industry by locations)
- Headlines indicators (Borrowers Count, GLP, PAR >30)
- Analysis Area: Conduct various analysis by selecting different indicators
- Map Area: Graphical representation of concentration/distribution of the indicators
Analysis - KPI
- Borrower’s demographics (age, gender)
- Products (loan sizes, product types)
- Vintage Analysis (borrower’s stickiness, borrowing behaviour)
- Portfolio Quality (PAR, indebtedness, leverage)
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A demo with TASDEEQ team includes:
- A deep dive into how our products work for you
- Pricing details and engagement model
- A Q&A session with our experts